Contribute & Get Involved
Below are items our community needs
Contact: Bridge to Home
Office: (661) 254-4663
Email: donations@btohome.org
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

Our partner Bridge To Home is looking for the following items:
Socks for men
Underwear for men and women
T-Shirts for men and women
Candy, cookies, chips, etc...
Laundry Detergent
* Everything must be new, used things will not be accepted
*Todo debe ser nuevo, no se aceptarán cosas usadas
Calcetines para hombres
Ropa interior para hombres y mujer
Camisetas para hombre y mujer
Golosinas, galletas, chips, etc.
Detergente para lavar ropa

Our partner The BaNC is looking for the following items:
Food Donation Suggestions...
Nuts/Seeds/Trail Mix (individual packs)
Unsweetened applesauce, pudding (individual cups)
Whole-grain granola bars (Individual bars)
Individually wrapped beef jerky sticks
Instant oatmeal (individual cups)
Crackers (Individual packets)
Pull top canned fruit in water or juice (not syrup)
Preserved fruit (individual cups)
Individual boxes of cereals (under 7 grams of sugar at least 3 grams of fiber)
Individual bags of chips/Chex-Mix/ Pretzels, etc.
Single-serve, microwavable meals
Pull top canned tuna, chicken, etc.
Instant low-sodium soups (pull tops)
Mac N' Cheese
Ravioli/Lasagna/Beef Ravioli/Spaghetti & Meatballs
Canned vegetables, soups, chili, etc. (pull tops preferred)
Monetary Donation Instructions:
Complete online form
In the Donation Designation section of the online form, select "Other" in the drop-down box on the "Direct My Donations To" line
Type "BaNC" in the box on the "Other Donation" line
Complete all other fields that apply
Contact: SCV Senior Center
Office: (661) 259-9444
Email: admin@scv-seniorcenter.org
Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Our partner SCV Senior Center is looking funds for activities and other benefits
Our partner The ARTree is looking for funds for volunteers and other benefits