Meet Sam & Alex!
Below are few ways we aspire to make a difference!
Sam & Alex : In What You've Been Up To!
Do you want your story featured in "Sam & Alex"? Please get in touch with us! Ray and Steven are always looking for new scripts to write and art to make. We'd love to see "what you've been up to during all of this craziness!
For this comic we tried a few new styles and methods of story telling. We have collaborated with COC students who graciously provided us with their perspectives on how quarantine times have been for them, and what they look forward to--now that restrictions are easing up.
Sam & Alex : Quarantimes (part 1)
Tales from the past few months that we call "Quarantimes". Here is the prompt, we would love to hear from you: What activity has helped you cope with the changes to your daily life during the pandemic; and is there anything you plan to do this year to help you stay connected to community?